On Aug 20, 2010, at 5:11 PM, John Miles wrote:
> Also, it looks like you (Mark) are only about an hour from Cerritos, where
> the MUD ( http://www.microwaveupdate.org ) conference will be held at the
> end of October.  This could be one option for you.  As part of the $35
> registration cost, you get access to a test lab set up to help attendees
> measure noise figure, PN, etc. on any homebrew or commercial gear they wish
> to bring.

Interesting. I still think I'd like to be able to measure low phase noise 
signal sources at home if practical. In particular, I've been toying with the 
idea of starting my own little company on the side, making and selling 
ham-radio-related/test-equipment-related stuff that seems to be missing from 
the market, as a (probably small but hopefully positive) secondary source of 
income and an excuse to design, build, accumulate (and deduct!) fun electronic 
equipment. My desire to learn to characterize phase noise stems from the idea 
that some of my products would be things whose phase noise should be specified, 
and it wouldn't be right for me to leech off other people's test equipment and 
effort if I plan to make a buck at it. Thus, I feel the need to learn how to do 
it myself, and then use that ability to add some value to the world in some 

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <n...@nf6x.net>
Web page: http://www.nf6x.net/
GnuPG public key available from my web page.

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