On 07/02/14 09:09, Robert Watzlavick wrote:
What kind of problems did you have with it?  I have a couple of BC635PCI
boards that I've been using for a while with my own LabVIEW-based
register driver.  I've noticed some interesting behavior after board
reset (loses lock for 8 sec to 3.5 min), and after changing the mode
(disrupts lock/phase bits for ~5 sec and freq bit between 4-60 min).

Rev H of the user's guide has the schematics if anybody needs them.

I did not see the full "board". I was unable to use the off the shelf software, so I wrote my own but was not able to get full access to the board, it behaved as if the CPU side did not work or something.

I can't recall seeing schematics, and if worse comes to worse I might need a copy of the EPROM.


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