Thanks everybody for the bit of information !

I have a "Revsion C" and "Revision K" manuals. In Revison "K" its only one note about OCXO:

"An internal 10 MHz VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) is disciplined to the reference source. The VCXO output drives all timing functions on the card. The VCXO output and a 1pps signal are provided as outputs. The TFP is also capable of disciplining an external voltage controlled oscillator. As an option, the TFP board can be ordered with an
OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator) installed."

As far as I understood, if I'll implement external OCXO to my BC637, I'll need to change FW on the card to make it work. If so, its not an option for me, since I just bought that card from auction and there is no way to obtain new microcode for it.


Aside of that OCXO implementation, I would like to ask some direction from time-nuts community about the relatively simple way to compare two 1PPS signals using some MCU. Lets say I have T-Bolt and BC637. Each has 1PPS and I would like to see the phase difference between of that two. Of course it is some instruments already available for that, but I have not own that one (yet). I am thinking to connect both 1PPS to Timers input in "capture" mode on MCU. Then register first raising edge, start counting of ticks until second timer will not catch another signal raise. Then number of ticks will indicate the difference. But may be it is more "elegant" way to do that comparison ? Thanks !



On 2014-02-07 03:38, wrote:
I played with this around five or six years ago but unfortunately my notes
from that time are likely to be buried somewhere still  waiting to be
scanned or indexed.

All the necessary information though is in the user and SDK manuals,
connections for the 10MHz external input and EFC output are on the 15 way I/O connector and there's even demo software which I'm pretty sure was all I used
to make the necessary adjustments.
One manual, pre Symmetricom, even has what looks to be a full set of

I've just run the software again to check but it won't do much if it can't
find the card so would need to fire up another PC with a spare  slot to
check further.

I wasn't really happy at the time with my attempts to  condition an
external Vectron OCXO, it was certainly better than using the
internal oscillator
but there were some odd jumps and drifts using either which suggested these
might be artifacts of the board itself rather than the  Vectron OCXO.

I've since acquired another BC637PCI, and want to try both again with
other oscillators, but that's quite some way down a very long to do list, now
reminded though I might take a quick  look later:-)

In the meantime, I have got copies of manuals and software etc and will
get those zipped up today and make them available  for download.



In a message dated 07/02/2014 03:36:46 GMT Standard Time,


Does anybody seen any links to the information how to implement external
OCXO to Symmetricom PCI TFP BC635/BC637  ?


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