Since we have started working on TinyOS a week back, I may be wrong. The
following is the change I made:
Please correct me if I am wrong :

typedef nx_struct tossim_metadata {

  //Added by vijayant
  nx_uint8_t tx_power;
  nx_uint16_t strength;
  nx_uint8_t ack;
  nx_uint16_t time;
} tossim_metadata_t;

  //Added by Vijayant
  command error_t send_setPower(int node, message_t* msg, uint8_t len);

//Added by Vijayant
  command error_t Packet.send_setPower(int dest, message_t* msg, uint8_t

     tossim_metadata_t* meta;
    if (!initialized) {
      dbgerror("TossimPacketModelC", "TossimPacketModelC: Send.send_setPower()
called, but not initialized!\n");
      return EOFF;
    if (!running) {
      dbgerror("TossimPacketModelC", "TossimPacketModelC: Send.send_setPower()
called, but not running!\n");
      return EOFF;

    if (sending != NULL) {
      return EBUSY;

    if ( power > 31 ){
      power = 31;

      meta = getMetadata(msg);
      power= meta->tx_power;

    sendingLength = len;
    sending = msg;
    destNode = dest;
    backoffCount = 0;
    neededFreeSamples = sim_csma_min_free_samples();
    return SUCCESS;

module TossimPacketModelC {
  provides {
    interface Init;
    interface SplitControl as Control;
    interface PacketAcknowledgements;
    interface TossimPacketModel as Packet;
  uses interface GainRadioModel;
implementation {
     uint8_t power; //Added global varibale by vijayant


and the last change i did is :In  void send_transmit(sim_event_t* evt)

    call GainRadioModel.putOnAirTo(destNode, sending, metadata->ack,
evt->time, power, power);      //Modified by Vijayant
//    call GainRadioModel.putOnAirTo(destNode, sending, metadata->ack,
evt->time, 0.0, 0.0); //Initially

This thing compiles well.

Can anyone now please give me some idea on where to wire this
Send_radiomodel function. I tried wiring directly TossimPacketModelC but it
is not working.

Any help is appreciated.


On Dec 3, 2007 12:42 PM, Philip Levis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> On Dec 2, 2007, at 3:47 PM, Vijayant Bhatnagar wrote:
> > Hi Kevin,
> > I would like to thank you for your reply. We are indeed using
> > TOSSIM. Right now I am trying to get the latest source code from
> > CVS and then try to run my code.
> >
> > Do you think that we will not be able to change TX_POWER even after
> > getting the latest source code ? Any help by others is
> > appreciated ! Actually, changing TX_POWER is very important for our
> > research. If this thing doesn't work, it will be very difficult for
> > us to prove our algorithm. So, we have to get this working at any
> > cost!
> >
> > Any help appreciated in this regards.
> >
> TOSSIM currently doesn't supporting changing TX power, but its
> implementation is such that adding such support would not be too
> hard. The call you care about is in TossimPacketModelC.nc:
>     call GainRadioModel.putOnAirTo(destNode, sending, metadata->ack,
> evt->time,
> 0.0, 0.0);
> The signature is this:
>   command void putOnAirTo(int dest,
>                           message_t* msg,
>                           bool ack,
>                           sim_time_t endTime,
>                           double gain,
>                           double reverseGain);
> Basically, the final two parameters, both of which are 0.0, are there
> to incorporate TX power control. It assumes 0.0 is the max power. If
> you want the node to transmit at a lower power, then you change the
> first parameter. The second parameter is the receiver's transmit
> power, which matters for acknowledgement transmissions.
> So if you put a metadatafield in the message_t that held the transmit
> power level and could be set by an interface, then pulled that out
> just before this call in order to change the gain, that would work.
> I'd add some noise or non-linearity in there because TX power control
> is rarely a simple and crisp curve. But you can refer to chip data
> sheets to see what their curves look like.
> Phil
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