
Thanks for your intention. I'm not using BLIP currently first because I'm
only working with one mote, then because it seems not to be completely
operating on shimmer platform I use.

Anyway, I think sensing issue is not dependant on the radio solution we
choose. I followed Sensing and Oscilloscope tutorial and what I understand
is that the virtual representation of the sensor is done in DemoSensor. The
basic implementation provides "simulation values". If we want values from
sensor, we have to change this implementation. There is an "Accel" file in
tos/platforms/shimmer2r/chips/mma7361 that I suppose to be my sensor
virtualization. But interface provided is not the same as Demosensor so I'm
not sure this one have to be directly implemented ... I tried to change the
"PhotoC as Sensor" to "AccelC as Sensor", but it changed nothing, so I
wondered about compiling again this file ...

If you have some idea / you know something that I forget / have any
suggestion, I would be glad to try ...

By the way, where are you stuck / what problems are you experiencing, I
maybe am able to help you ?


2011/3/18 ssa ss <ssa_a...@hotmail.com>

>  i hoped if i could help you
> but i get stuck into sensing a from one sensor and collect that infomation
> by using BLIP. I depand on some tutorials , any suggestion matirials for
> help
> by the way : i use Telosb sensor
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:19:09 +0100
> From: erwan.rena...@gmail.com
> To: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
> Subject: [Tinyos-help] Shimmer - getting info from sensor.
> Hi everybody,
> Going through tutorials allowed me to be able to communicate on serial
> through USB with Shimmer mote. I successfully get datas from it and I know
> have several question about sensing. I read that sensing data come from
> Demosensor, and depending on which component it implements, I should be able
> to get what I want.
> - Which components allow access to Accelerometer axis ?
> - Does Demosensor need to be in some way compiled again after modification
> (if yes, how could I do that ?) ?
> - If I'm completely wrong, I could I proceed to get data from real sensor
> (could you indicate where I can find infos ? RingTFM is always a good way to
> progress ;) )?
> Thanks all of you for support and answering,
> Erwan
> PS : I'm using XubunTOS and tinyos2.
> --
> Master Student / Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et
> Systèmes*.
> École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
> E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)
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Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et Systèmes*.
École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)
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