Hi everybody,

Going through tutorials allowed me to be able to communicate on serial
through USB with Shimmer mote. I successfully get datas from it and I know
have several question about sensing. I read that sensing data come from
Demosensor, and depending on which component it implements, I should be able
to get what I want.
- Which components allow access to Accelerometer axis ?
- Does Demosensor need to be in some way compiled again after modification
(if yes, how could I do that ?) ?
- If I'm completely wrong, I could I proceed to get data from real sensor
(could you indicate where I can find infos ? RingTFM is always a good way to
progress ;) )?

Thanks all of you for support and answering,

PS : I'm using XubunTOS and tinyos2.

Master Student / Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et
École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)
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