Hi Mike,

Thanks for your help.
I take a look at your program, and after several days have a "seems to work"
program. I take it example to make my serial sensor program working. I get
trunks of bytes that seems to change depending on my gestures. Now I'm
trying to analyse data and I would know about the accelerometer : in Shimmer
manual, they speak about MMA7260Q but when I check virtual component on
sources provided, accelerometer referenced is MMA7361. So which one is
physically present on the shimmer board, and could a bad platform argument
on compilation / wrong material virtualization generate warnings as "decimal
constant is so large that it is unsigned" (if wrong RANGE_X_0G is given) ?

 Another question is : Is there a Linux XubunTOS calibration program as it
exists for Windows  ?

Thanks for your answers and support,
Best regards,

2011/3/21 mike healy <mikeghe...@gmail.com>

> Hi Erwan,
> Take a look at the examples in the tinyos-2.x-contrib/shimmer/apps folder
> for examples on how to sample the shimmer sensors:
> http://tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tinyos/tinyos-2.x-contrib/shimmer/apps/
> SimpleAccel being, as the name suggests, one of the simpler examples.
> Mike
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Erwan RENAUDO <erwan.rena...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for your intention. I'm not using BLIP currently first because I'm
>> only working with one mote, then because it seems not to be completely
>> operating on shimmer platform I use.
>> Anyway, I think sensing issue is not dependant on the radio solution we
>> choose. I followed Sensing and Oscilloscope tutorial and what I understand
>> is that the virtual representation of the sensor is done in DemoSensor. The
>> basic implementation provides "simulation values". If we want values from
>> sensor, we have to change this implementation. There is an "Accel" file in
>> tos/platforms/shimmer2r/chips/mma7361 that I suppose to be my sensor
>> virtualization. But interface provided is not the same as Demosensor so I'm
>> not sure this one have to be directly implemented ... I tried to change the
>> "PhotoC as Sensor" to "AccelC as Sensor", but it changed nothing, so I
>> wondered about compiling again this file ...
>> If you have some idea / you know something that I forget / have any
>> suggestion, I would be glad to try ...
>> By the way, where are you stuck / what problems are you experiencing, I
>> maybe am able to help you ?
>> Regards,
>> Erwan
>> 2011/3/18 ssa ss <ssa_a...@hotmail.com>
>>>  i hoped if i could help you
>>> but i get stuck into sensing a from one sensor and collect that
>>> infomation by using BLIP. I depand on some tutorials , any suggestion
>>> matirials for help
>>> by the way : i use Telosb sensor
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:19:09 +0100
>>> From: erwan.rena...@gmail.com
>>> To: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
>>> Subject: [Tinyos-help] Shimmer - getting info from sensor.
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> Going through tutorials allowed me to be able to communicate on serial
>>> through USB with Shimmer mote. I successfully get datas from it and I know
>>> have several question about sensing. I read that sensing data come from
>>> Demosensor, and depending on which component it implements, I should be able
>>> to get what I want.
>>> - Which components allow access to Accelerometer axis ?
>>> - Does Demosensor need to be in some way compiled again after
>>> modification (if yes, how could I do that ?) ?
>>> - If I'm completely wrong, I could I proceed to get data from real sensor
>>> (could you indicate where I can find infos ? RingTFM is always a good way to
>>> progress ;) )?
>>> Thanks all of you for support and answering,
>>> Erwan
>>> PS : I'm using XubunTOS and tinyos2.
>>> --
>>> Master Student / Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et
>>> Systèmes*.
>>> École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
>>> E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)
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>> --
>> Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et Systèmes*.
>> École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
>> E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)
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Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et Systèmes*.
École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)
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