Hi !

Thanks both of you for explanations and help ! I am now able to offline plot
my data correctly, and use Radio communication to get accelerometer values
in real-time, with Base Station and a DMA reading-version of BlinkToRadio
(basics are always a good point to start from).

I did a calibration measure following Shimmer Calibration file instructions
to set my 0g values (in fact, mean of +1g and -1g values). I used a right
message struct for data transmitting with 3 uint16_t variables for each
channel, instead of arbitrary 64 bit variables ... And I read DMA buffer
pointer at +0, +1 and +2 to get each axis data.

I think wrong values with Simpleaccel.py was because I tried using it to
read my serial values with considering they could be under bluetooth format.

Once again, many thanks,

2011/3/31 mike healy <mikeghe...@gmail.com>

> Hi Erwan,
> Mma_Accel.setSensitivity(RANGE) has nothing to do with calibration, and, as
> you say, only sets the sensitivity. You still need to calculate the offset
> and scaling factor for each accel channel and apply these to the data,
> either on the shimmer or post process the data offline.
> The simpleAccel.py script simply prints out the accel data to screen. Each
> column represents the X, Y and Z axes, and each row is a different sampling
> period. Example output is as follows:
> tiny2@ShimmerLive:~/tinyos-2.x-contrib/shimmer/apps/SimpleAccel$
> ./simpleAccel.py /dev/rfcomm0
> 1983 1801 2016
> 1985 1807 2011
> 1987 1809 2014
> 1983 1799 2015
> 1989 1808 2015
> .
> .
> .
> The fact that you are getting 10k-15k peaks seem to indicate that something
> is out of sync. The ADC on the shimmer is 12-bit, so the range of values you
> should be seeing per axis is 0-4095. Any values outside that range are not
> possible.
> The DMA transfer returns the raw ADC values as read by the MSP430 from the
> MMA7361. To convert these values to m/s2 you need to scale them
> appropriately. The calibration procedure described on the shimmer-research
> website describes how to do this by using gravity as a known reference.
> Mike
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Erwan RENAUDO <erwan.rena...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Thanks for your answer.
>> Does it means that calibration of accelerometer is done when we "call
>> Mma_Accel.setSensitivity(RANGE)" ? Or only sensitivity is setted and I still
>> have to add my data an offset to reach the "physical values" ?
>> In the same idea, what exactly is displayed by the python script
>> SimpleAccel.py ? Coz I plotted it and it look quite awful even while I'm not
>> touching the accelerometer (I get kind of periodical +/- 10k to 35k peak). I
>> get better (it seems) results plotting Listen output and plotting separately
>> payload byte by two.
>> Does anybody know what DMA transfer exactly return (in terms of data) or
>> where I can find these informations (Didn't get it reading MMA7361
>> datasheet) ?
>> Once again, many thanks for help,
>> I can join plotting results I necessary.
>> Erwan.
>> 2011/3/28 mike healy <mikeghe...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi Erwan,
>>> The shimmer and shimmer2 used the MMA7260 accel chip, but the shimmer2r
>>> uses the newer MMA7361. See the following page for info on the different
>>> shimmer revisions:
>>> http://www.shimmer-research.com/products-2/shimmer-revisions
>>> One difference between the chips is that the MMA7260 had 4 different
>>> selectable sensitivity ranges (±1.5g, ±2g, ±4g and ±6g) whereas the MMA7361
>>> only has 2 (±1.5g and ±6g).
>>> The warning you are seeing about the decimal constant being too large has
>>> nothing to do with the sensitivity range, and can be safely ignored, as the
>>> intention is for the constant to be unsigned anyway.
>>> Mike
>>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Erwan RENAUDO 
>>> <erwan.rena...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>> I take a look at your program, and after several days have a "seems to
>>>> work" program. I take it example to make my serial sensor program working. 
>>>> I
>>>> get trunks of bytes that seems to change depending on my gestures. Now I'm
>>>> trying to analyse data and I would know about the accelerometer : in 
>>>> Shimmer
>>>> manual, they speak about MMA7260Q but when I check virtual component on
>>>> sources provided, accelerometer referenced is MMA7361. So which one is
>>>> physically present on the shimmer board, and could a bad platform argument
>>>> on compilation / wrong material virtualization generate warnings as 
>>>> "decimal
>>>> constant is so large that it is unsigned" (if wrong RANGE_X_0G is given) ?
>>>>  Another question is : Is there a Linux XubunTOS calibration program as
>>>> it exists for Windows  ?
>>>> Thanks for your answers and support,
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Erwan
>> --
>> Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et Systèmes*.
>> École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
>> E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)

Élève Ingénieur Promo 2011 - Section *Informatique et Systèmes*.
École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (*
E.N.S.E.A.* - Cergy)
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