Ed et al.,(I refuse to post this in response to M.S.'s original subject
heading, so I've changed the subject.) I agree with everything you've said.
 I begged for eliminating M.S. last January - and before then as well.
 Since January's debacle, I have refused to respond to any of his bizarre,
often childish, sometimes hurtful posts.  No one on TIPS backed me up at
that time, but I suspect that many just don't know how to address his posts.
  Michael's recent threat to bring a lawsuit against Frostburg U. (which, of
course, is the source of TIPS) when Bill posted that he was dealing with the
latest M.S. infringement was almost the last straw for me, as it must have
been for Bill.  I suspect that Bill's hands are tied without legal counsel.
 Who needs it???  I don't doubt that Bill feels he doesn't need the grief.

I feel for our Bill.  Bill posted that he was dealing with the "chick" name
calling, and that is apparently what brought on the lawsuit threat.  I
despair.  I suspect Bill does too.  We all owe Bill such a debt of gratitude
for all he has done for almost two decades to keep this heretofore wonderful
list going.  Thanks, Michael, for ruining it.  Bill must be so glad he's
near retirement and can wash his hands of this list.

I, too, am so ready to leave TIPS, after over SIXTEEN years.  Michael
Sylvester has ruined it by posting idiotic, insulting, threatening, silly,
childish posts which, sadly, sometimes take over TIPS because of wasted time
responding to his nutty posts.  Anyone who challenges him is insulted.

Nancy Melucci's suggestion (to just ignore Michael's posts) has fallen
mostly on deaf ears, as have earlier suggestions with the same theme.

I'm prepared for M.S.'s acidic responses to this post.  I can't begin to
imagine what his motivation is to continue his clownishness.  I'm just glad
I'm not in Bill's shoes.  I would have been heartbroken to have worked so
hard to get a listserve of enthusiastic psychology instructors' ideas and
ultimately been inundated with M.S.'s bizarre posts that challenge, and
ruin, the spirit of TIPS.

Please, Michael, say that you were just kidding, and are ready to enter TIPS
posts in an academic, scholarly manner.  We await your sincere response.

Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

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