Jeff wrote:

> I was very uncomfortable with the procedure, nontheless.

        Why, Jeff?

        I can see concern that a minor might be exposed to a research project
that had the potential to harm him/her as a legitimate one--but how can
answering what is presumably an anonymous questionaire possibly harm a
person? Do we _really_ need to create a society in which people are
protected to that degree? Or would it be better to leave such decisions to
the student, so that s/he can learn to make decisions without having to
defer to the judgement of others in every instance?

        I know there _must_ be some legitimate arguments in support of such
(apparent) extremes in consent requirements, but as yet I've never seen
one personally.


Rick Adams
Department of Social Sciences
Jackson Community College, Jackson, MI

"... and the only measure of your worth and your deeds
will be the love you leave behind when you're gone."

Fred Small, J.D., "Everything Possible"

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