since I am swamped these days I am only briefly skimming this exchange--
but the gist, as I read it seems to be that in some cases researchers
have asked for parental consent and considered a non-response as
consent and a response to only occur if parents do NOT want their
child to participate.

The ensuing discussion has been whether or not this is proper as
there seem to have been a number of arguments over whether there might
be other reasons for nonresponse.

OK--but here is my 2nd issue:

Wouldn't you have to request this consent for each individual study
separately?  As I have been reading the posts it sounds like a
part of the problem, for me, is that it sounds like parents are
being asked for blanket consent for an entire semester--not necessary for
a particular study.

Am I reading this wrong, and if I'm reading it right, isn't this
at least as big an ethical problem?


Annette Taylor, Ph. D.
Department of Psychology                E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of San Diego                 Voice:   (619) 260-4006
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA  92110

                "Education is one of the few things a person
                 is willing to pay for and not get."
                                                -- W. L. Bryan

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