At 12:14 PM -0700 9/23/99, Jeffrey Nagelbush wrote:
>This discussion of "passive" informed consent reminds me of experiences I
>had with our local public school district.  A number of times graduate
>students (I believe in education)from a non-local university were given
>permission by the school district to give middle and/or high school students
>questionnaires on various topics.  Typically, information was sent home to
>parents, through the children.  Parents could then respond if they wished
>their children not to participate.  I raised objections to this procedure
>with both a Board of Education member and a school principle.  They both
>promised to check with the major professor of the student about the ethics
>of this procedure.  I never heard back from either one and the procedure has
>happened repeatedly.  I did not persue the issue for various reasons I would
>rather not go into but I was very uncomfortable with the procedure,
>I wonder if education professional groups have different standards than
>psychology groups.

They do; business is even worse!

* PAUL K. BRANDON               [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Psychology Dept       Minnesota State University, Mankato *
* 23 Armstrong Hall, Mankato, MN 56001      ph 507-389-6217 *
*    *

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