We are actively working toward assessment in our dept. and I am in charge
of it at the undergraduate level. I asked for info about this last spring
and received a lot of useful information (a belated thank you to those that
helped me). I now realize that my problem was that I was assuming that I
had to figure how to assess general, abstract, broad statements as they
were. I need to make concrete, small goals. I have some ideas, but I would
really appreciate some examples of specific goals, assessment, and usage of
that assessment to help move us as a dept. toward those goals. 
I really need some for student development. I know about student portfolios
and "comp" style tests, but certainly there are other ways to demonstrate
this process? This is important since these tests or portfolios would be
used here as "you must do this, but it will not impact your graduation" and
while a number of students will certainly take it seriously, I'm afraid
that I will be required to wade through a lot of stuff that students did
not feel was a very important task and therefore slopped something together
at the last minute. Since there is a correlation between the
put-together-at-the-last-minute and poor student performance, I may not be
getting good information from the students that I need it the most from -
those students that had a difficult time making it through the undergrad.
Thanks in advance.

Deborah S. Briihl                       There are as many
Dept. of Psychology and Counseling      ways to live as 
Valdosta State University               there are people in
Valdosta, GA 31698-0100                 this world and each
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    deserve a closer
Now in new Assoc. size!                 look..

You got so many dreams you don't know where to put them, so you better turn
a few of them loose... Fire

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