In the 4th edition, both have been presented. A colleague of mine caught
this a few years ago. In the first printing of this edition, the title,
name, affiliation on the sample title page was near the top (close to the
running head). So, the first year she taught the class, everyone placed it
there. However, the next year, all of the students put it in the middle.
When she corrected the mistake on the paper, the students came to her and
showed her the book. Seems like the next printing had the paper title in
the middle. I did see her book and it was at the top - mine is in the
middle (I have the fourth printing).

At 03:13 PM 11/17/99 -0800, Annette Taylor wrote:
> I have a question on APA and a student question:
>Over a week ago I posed the question and got no response:
>this is a question from a student:
>Do we think all the time that we are awake?
>Now the APA style question--this is a matter of some controversy
>between me and apparently other faculty in our department since
>students tell me that they have learned to do things one way for
>me and another for another person :-( since we both seem adamant
>about what is correct, each in or own ways.
>On the title page, where, going from top to bottom do we put the
>title of the paper, the author's name and affiliation. I seem to
>remember from somewhere that it is supposed to be "near the top"
>but cannot find a reference for that in my manual.
>My APA manual does say that it should be centered, but I believe
>that means left to right, not top to bottom. According to my 
>students the other faculty member insists it means centered
>top to bottom and right to left.
>OK who is right and is there any rule and is there any evidence.
>And for those who think all this rigidity re: APA style is silly
>I have 2 replies:
>(1) it never hurts to develop disciplined thinking
>(2) it makes good fodder for harmless disagreements ;-)
>Annette Taylor, Ph. D.
>Department of Psychology               E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>University of San Diego                        Voice:   (619) 260-4006
>5998 Alcala Park
>San Diego, CA  92110
>               "Education is one of the few things a person
>                is willing to pay for and not get."
>                                               -- W. L. Bryan

Deborah S. Briihl                       There are as many
Dept. of Psychology and Counseling      ways to live as 
Valdosta State University               there are people in
Valdosta, GA 31698-0100                 this world and each
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    deserve a closer
Now in new Assoc. size!                 look..

You got so many dreams you don't know where to put them, so you better turn
a few of them loose... Fire

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