Annette said:

>And for those who think all this rigidity re: APA style is silly
>I have 2 replies:
>(1) it never hurts to develop disciplined thinking

Absolutely. What else do they need us for that we couldn't do through web
sites. But, I also think there is room for interpretation. One segment of
the manual clearly states that any "rule" or correct way specified in the
manual is overridden by rules of the particular journal, the school you are
attending etc. If I were you, I'd just point out to the student that there
is a different interpretation and in my class you do it this way. Then
point to the analog to different journals requiring different things (some
physiological journals requiring abreviations from physics pops into mind).

>(2) it makes good fodder for harmless disagreements ;-)

Exactly. But include the students in that. I would not remove them from the
loop (and certainly not protect them from it!). The reality is that few
things are absolutely right and wrong. At best APA's standards are norms
intended to ease the task of the reader and to clarify presentation. The
students should understand that.

Timothy O. Shearon, PhD
Albertson College of Idaho
Department of Psychology
2112 Cleveland Blvd
Caldwell, Idaho


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