David wrote:

> Has it slipped people's minds that TIPS is fully, publicly archived?
> See http://www.mail-archive.com/tips@fre.fsu.umd.edu

        Not at all--but being publicly _archived_ isn't the same as being in the
public domain.

        For example, if I write an article for a journal, that journal will be both
privately archived on their members only web site and publicly archived in
libraries throughout the world. Yet that article will _not_ be placed in the
public domain, and it would be copyright infringement were someone to
reprint and distribute that article w/o permission. While there are academic
fair-use exceptions to this, for the most part the simple fact that
something is publicly archived does _not_ mean that it can be freely used.



Rick Adams

Department of Social Sciences
Jackson Community College
Jackson, Michigan

Permission to repost this message is hereby granted provided no alterations
are made to the content and the source is credited.

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