On Sat, 16 Oct 2010 07:49:00 -0700, Rick Froman wrote:
>My point was simply that it is ridiculous to believe 1) that the media 
>in the US is so monolithic and dominated by the right-wing (of all 
>things) that scientific findings favoring the left-wing would be 
>suppressed and 2) that a genetic explanation is inherently conservative 
>(both genetic and environmental explanations, by turns, may support both 
>right and left-wing ideas). 

Re: (1)  Multinational corporations now control the major media
outlets.  Corporate capitalism doesn't have to be right-wing but
it seems like it favors that type of environment, espeically in its
libertarian form.

Re: (2) Except that genetic explanations have a long history in right-wing
politics and environmental explanation have a long history in left-wing
politics.  As we learn more about gene-environment interactions, the
overly simplistic conceptions of nature vs nurture ideologies will have to
be reworked.  But, just as creationsists will not find any scientific evidence
that undermines creation science to be credible, eugenics-oriented
right wingers will not be deterred by evidence that their conceptions
of "bad genes" are invalid.  Left-wingers, I think, should be cautious
in embracing genetic explanations unless the research is really, really

>Maybe Yankee fever is the explanation. The SF Giants (they're not in 
>NY anymore) are clearly going to beat whoever the AL sends up.

You're right about sarcasm not being well communicated; I almost thought
you were being serious here. ;-)  For those unfamiliar with the San
Francisco Giants -- who had only won the World Series when they were
the NY Giants -- check out the Wikipedia entry (yadda-yadda): see:

As for predictions: World Series will include NY Yankees vs. Philadelphia.
Philies -- Yanks in 7 games (hell, if Cal Ripken can predict a Tampa Bay
win over the Phillies, then I can risk calling a Yankee victory ;-).  For
Ripken's "misprediction", see:

-Mike Palij
New York University

P.S.  Number 28, baby! ;-)

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