On Sat, 06 Nov 2010 22:59:14 -0400, Christopher D. Green wrote:
> Mike Palij wrote:
>> On Sat, 06 Nov 2010 17:43:43 -0700, Christopher Green wrote:
>>> Pardon me. That should have been $27.6 BILLION.     
>> On Nov 6, 2010, at 6:26 PM, "Christopher D. Green" <chri...@yorku.ca> wrote:
>>> No Canadian (or British or Australian or...) university is the equivalent 
>>> of 
>>> Harvard.
>>> No Canadian (or British or Australian or...) university has a $27.6M 
>>> endowment. (http://www.hmc.harvard.edu/)
>>> Chris (went to McGill and U. Toronto) Green
>> Excuse me for being exceedingly dense but I am having a hard time
>> making the connection between the size of the Harvard's endowment,
>> Larry Summers as Harvard's president, and Harvard's "exceptionalism"
>> (in the sense of U.S. "exceptionalism"). 
> Yes, I can see that you would. I was responding to Michael Sylvester's 
> post-script asking what Canadian school was the "equivalent" of Harvard.

I see. However, when I first saw Prof. Sylvester's request for the Canadian
equivalent of Harvard I interpreted the statement as saying "in Canada, which
college has the status and prestege that Harvard has in the U.S.?"  One can
interpret Prof. Sylvester's question in a variety of ways but I admit that the
size of its endowment was not among the first several answers I had generated.
Instead, I thought of the City College of New York (CCNY) which is part
of the City University of New York.  Quoting from the Wkipedia entry 
on CCNY:

|In the years when top-flight private schools were restricted to the children 
|of the Protestant Establishment, thousands of brilliant individuals (including 
|Jewish students) attended City College because they had no other option. 
|CCNY's academic excellence and status as a working-class school earned 
|it the titles "Harvard of the Proletariat", the "poor man's Harvard", and 
|Even today, after three decades of controversy over its academic standards, 
|no other public college has produced as many Nobel laureates who have 
|studied and graduated with a degree from a particular public college.[18] 
|CCNY's official quote on this is "Nine Nobel laureates claim CCNY as their 
|Alma Mater, the most from any public college in the United States."[19][20] 
|This should not be confused with Nobel laureates who teach at a public 
|university; UC Berkeley boasts 19.

According to the Wikipedia entry, CCNY's endowment is only $131 million,
which can't hold a cangle to Harvard's endowment.  Nonetheless, the quality
of a college is dependent upon many things and though money can play a role
that isn't the single most important factor (or even the most important factor
depending upon what aspect of a college/university's performance one is 

So, to re-state Prof. Sylvester question:  "What university in Canada is the
'Harvard of Canada' ?"

-Mike Palij
New York Univesity


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