In a message dated 10/1/2005 9:21:02 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
lol, unfortunately I don't have many of those left since I got sick.  I am feeling better lately though.
Isn't is strange how we lose friends and family members with the onset and aftermath of TM?  I wonder if the same thing happens with other chronic must.
I know that I am not the same person to be with, but I surely do try.  I used to be real out-going and always had the ability to make people laugh.  TM has stripped me of the personality that I had before, but I still like to laugh even though it is physically difficult for me to do so.  I miss the way I used to clown around, but being in constant pain will rob a person of traits like that.
However,  even though my former friends and even family members, who used to claim to love me, don't seem, in my humble opinion, to recall the laughter we used to share (along with the tears and experiences).  It would be nice if they would take a chance on who we are now; they might be pleasantly surprised..  I make a point of not talking about my illness unless they ask, so I am not boring in that way; I smile a lot and listen intently and genuinely take an interest in the things going on in their lives, so what is the problem???  I cannot figure it out.
Can you?
"God Bless Us, Everyone"

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