Hi Debbie,
Very interesting. No I have not checked re optic migraines. My neuro didn't say anything about that either. If they were optic migraines would I have this going on all day, every day for 8 weeks? Just like all TMers I've had my share of weird symptoms, but this one takes the cake. I have an appt with a new Rheumatologist Sept 13 because I also have Sjogrens and my neuro is interested in his opinion of what's going on. (I just moved to Eagle, Idaho from Seattle a few months ago - so I've had to set up a whole new network of doctors. Boy, what a lot of work it has been to do that! The good thing about it is that I was able to get the top notch docs.
Hugs -  and thanks for the support. I'll let you know what happens.
Linda C
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] tm

Hello Linda,
Have you checked with an optometrist or ophthalmologist to rule out optic migraines?  I work for an optometrist and he gets them once in a while.  What you are describing sounds exactly what he describes to me.  But he doesn't panic because he knows what it is.  I guess you could say that he is "self-diagnosing".  Hope you get to the bottom of this, and soon!
Take care,
----- Original Message -----
Cc: TM List
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] tm

A question to Linda Elgi - your description of how your TM started intrigues me. Do you know where your
lesion is?  I have some of those symptoms also, and my lesions are are C4,5&6. And I have had a NEW and even better symptom than all of the others I have - I have shooting pains on the right side of my head, shooting clear over the top almost to my forehead. Have had them about 8 weeks now. Not fun. Neuro not completely sure what is going on - still more testing - the never ending tests. Has anyone else had this happen - the head thing?
Linda C
----- Original Message -----
From: Krissy Z
To: TM List
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] tm

Mine hit me all at once, in half hours time.Started with a tingly in my low back, and progressed to my legs geting rubbery and falling alseep and that was it...lost both my legs and got rushed to the hosp.

Linda Egli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My symptoms came on over a 6 week period.  Started with numbness in hands & feet, moved to arms & legs, then to trunk & chest with banding below my shoulder & thankfully stopped there. Took about 6 months for all this to level out & now left with numbness esp. in hands and feet, fatigue with anything I do, & poor balance.  My main problem now is increasing tremors in my right hand & now some in lower jaw (have never heard anyone mention this), but my neuro thinks it is normal.

Jill Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mine came on gradually also.  I thought it was Cauda Equina Syndrome again like my dr. said the first time 2 yrs ago....

"Butcher, Bernie [S&FS]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think mine came on gradually - when I thin back to what happened before I went totally numb, tingly and lame on my left side, there were some instances where I think it may have been my spinal condition: walking wobbly, bumping into things, spilling coffee , klutzy kinda things.

Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 3:35 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] tm

I notice that every thing refers to acute TM.  Has anybody in the group had TM that has come on gradually.  Everyone should read the link that Frank sent about GP's.  There I guess is nothing we can do about this but we certainly should be informed.  At a hospital here in Virginia who employs physicians unless they see patients in an allotted time the physician is asked to leave.  Am afraid that this is becoming the norm and is certainly a poor way to practice good medicine.
Ann in Virginia

Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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