Harold-  my 4 yr anniversary is one week from today- after rehab, etc. I,
like you got back to walking with a cane, still have my bladder and bowel
dysfunction, and have had quite a lot of numbness and muscle spasms in my
legs.  Year 3, I got worse: UTIs, and feet got sores, etc.  In this last 3
months I am experiencing regaining of some sensation in my feet that I
have not felt for 4 years! I attribute this to horseback riding therapy
and trigger point massage therapy.
Improvement after the 2 yr. anniversary is a theme we have discussed here
many times.  The big conclusion is that it is never too late to expect
improvement! Don't stop trying different ways to manage your symptoms.
Advocate for yourself, keep excellent records, and work hard to keep all
your health care team up to date on you.  I keep a running record of all
my doctors, addresses, phones, last appt., next scheduled appt, from my
primary care physician right down to my pharmacist and massage therapist,
another sheet has my medications, dosages, and prescribing physician,
along with a statement of the benefits or side effects I experience from
the medication, when first prescribed, last prescription refill date, down
to the vitamins and over the counter stuff I take, including the cranberry
juice taken daily.  These I keep on my computer, update them regularly and
take a new copy to each appointment.  I think that this helps each
physician know clearly what I am doing and how and why.  I try to be an
open book.
Cora in OK

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