You said:

I am so upset that I was never told that I would get osteoporosis, nor treated for it until after the breaks, that I could just spit!  Medication for Osteoporosis ought to be given right from the onset of the Transverse Myelitis, not four years down the road!

I say:

AMEN!  I am still learning basic things about the results of the 5000 mg of steroids they gave me, that are causing problems.  If they would have told me upfront about how the steroids would affect the Calcium and Zinc, I could have done things to compensate, from the beginning!  I'm grateful for a correct diagnosis and the steroids to stop the inflammation, so that I could start healing. But SOMEONE should put all the information together and let the patient know what's going on!!! I mean, how hard would that be? 


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