Dear Jude,
You are not insane. This is how it is. I have had TM or something, heck one doctor says yes, one says maybe you have had it and another looks at me like I am some freak of nature. We unfortunately seem to have acquired an illness/s that very little is know about. Doctors cannot even agree that there is such a thing a TM. One doctor I saw said there is MS, no TM, only MS. If you have what we call TM it is really MS.
And, no you cannot sue them or they will avoid you like the plague. And, if you do not get better and you keep trying for more answers they will get annoyed. They do not know the reasons for why we are as we are nor do they most times know what to do for us. There are millions of people out there with strange illnesses and people dying everyday from all kinds of things. Life is precious, but cheap.
If we are lucky enough, perhaps sometime an answer will be found in our lifetime. If not, well, we just need to be brave and bear it all. At least we all here have found each other and it helps to know that none of us are alone. We have each other to shout to when we can nolonger bear what is happening. You hang in there. We hear you and you make sense; at least to me. You make a lot of sense.
Natalie B

Why is it that I hear over and over from TMIC members, that they have not been told the whole truth about their dx's and medications, because their doctors have such limited basic medical understandings of certain illnesses?
We are either over or under medicated, given the wrong medications and/or dx's, lied to- either directly or by omission- by doctors who are supposed to be educated specialists,  not to mention the fact that we are spoken to as if we were children, incapable of understanding the most basic information or in such "doctor-ese" that we are incapable of understanding simply for the fact that we are not as educated as the medical community.
And, if legal recourse is valid and available regarding our chronic mistreatment by doctors and specialists, and we take advantage of it, why are we are then at the mercy of the very people we are suing and blacklisted so that we are never again able to receive medical treatment in any state, county, or town in the USA? 
I feel as though I have been misdiagnosed or at the least, uninformed, about the side effects of being a non-weight-bearing individual.  And in answer to my inquiries I receive shrugs of the shoulders from my doctors.  Why?  Towards what end?  What is the deal???
Am I acting like a crazy person?  Does anyone else out there feel the same way as I do? 
Thank you all who respond.  What does a person have to do to be told the truth?  Can anyone out there help me?

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