Jude, I was so glad you brought this up. Since I switched over from Kaiser to Medicare in Jan. and had to get all new doctors I cannot tell you the frustration and depression I am going thru. Is it me???  Am I the wierd one??? I can't tell you how happy I was when my Orthopedic doctor said that most nueorologist that he knew were pretty nutso :) My neurologist who is supposedly one of the best, couldn't be less interested in me if he tried! He's changed my meds and when I tried to reach him due to problems with Baclophen he just told the nurse to have me increase the dosage. Big mistake, it made my legs too weak, I fell and was in a wheelchair for the next 3 months!  When I went to see him, we were to discuss the results of my MRI's. Now I'd been waiting anxiously for the results. He didn't have them!!!! When he found them, he called me at 9:30 on a Friday night and told me I was improving. What the hell does that mean?? I actually said, "So we're talkiing about a miracle here cause I know the damage has been done!"He was supposed to compare the Jan. MRI's with the Aug. MRI's .... never happened! He was considering putting me on MS meds. He cancelled my next appointment and now its been two months so I have decided to "self-medicate". The Lyrica is not working for me! I am now once again looking for a new neurologist. I have my last appointment with him tomorrow  O.k..... I'm done complaining (for now) 

 No-one can truly understand what we go thru. The fear, the anxiety, the pain, the unknown.

I did have my bone density test done, my Internist gave me a prescription for the test.

Well it is a beautiful autumn day here in Virginia and I know I have so much to be thankful for so I will think about the "good things" and since I believe that there is a greater, more loving power who is in charge of my life I shall now go get an ice cold beer and watch some football.


Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Be Careful When Exercising
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:50:15 EDT

Why is it that I hear over and over from TMIC members, that they have not been told the whole truth about their dx's and medications, because their doctors have such limited basic medical understandings of certain illnesses?
We are either over or under medicated, given the wrong medications and/or dx's, lied to- either directly or by omission- by doctors who are supposed to be educated specialists,  not to mention the fact that we are spoken to as if we were children, incapable of understanding the most basic information or in such "doctor-ese" that we are incapable of understanding simply for the fact that we are not as educated as the medical community.
And, if legal recourse is valid and available regarding our chronic mistreatment by doctors and specialists, and we take advantage of it, why are we are then at the mercy of the very people we are suing and blacklisted so that we are never again able to receive medical treatment in any state, county, or town in the USA? 
I feel as though I have been misdiagnosed or at the least, uninformed, about the side effects of being a non-weight-bearing individual.  And in answer to my inquiries I receive shrugs of the shoulders from my doctors.  Why?  Towards what end?  What is the deal???
Am I acting like a crazy person?  Does anyone else out there feel the same way as I do? 
Thank you all who respond.  What does a person have to do to be told the truth?  Can anyone out there help me?

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