Title: AOL Email
In a message dated 10/28/2006 4:28:10 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Forgive me, I don't understand the connection -- is TM known to lead to osteoporosis? Or do some medications lead to that? Or is it that being non-weight-bearing makes one more prone to it?
Barbara H
Ok, Barbara - It is my understanding that it is non-weight-bearing people who are prone to extreme osteoporosis because the main fundamental of building bone is weight bearing.  In all of my life I had never heard that, but it's true and not simply for those of us with TM who cannot walk, but also for any "wheel-chair-bound" (for lack of better term) persons.
I guess I went overboard by submitting such a long email, but also by sending it to the wrong place.  It might have faired better sent to a support group for wheel chair users.  Who knows, I've never gone to a site like that...maybe testing and treating for severe osteoporosis is common among those of us who wheel it all day.
I guess that will be my next move because I don't feel as though I've gotten it out of my system.
So far, in four years, I have yet to shed a tear for my losses from TM, and only now feel like I am going through the anger period.  That's not normal, is it?  Anyone know?

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