> May I ask how do you function? Are you able to get around at all??? Did all
> this begin with TM???


this all began with TM- C5 right spinal cord 6 mm lesion.  It came on slowly 
over a week. Went to my PCP (primary doctor), he had no idea, as did the neuro 
who sent me for MRIs. MRI showed lesion and normal brain.

My weakness and pain slowed me down.  I kept eating.  Prednisone helped my 
abdominal fat to start growing.  slowly over the years my weight increased 
causing hypertension, hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance and obesity.

my pain increased. I finally got to Dr. Kerr, put on meds to decrease pain, 
lower my lipids.  Wound up at the pain center at Montreal General Hosp. where I 
was put on SATIVEX a cannabinoid under tongue spray.

I function poorly, but I betcha their are many on the list who would trade with 

Take care


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