
So do you live here in the states? or Montreal?? I am thinking about trying a pain management group. My neuro could really care less about the pain. Is cannabinoid the same as marijuana??? If I found out that marijuana helped neuropathic pain I would definitely try it??? I'm 60 and my group just missed the "revolution" so I have never tried it. I swore I would give a try on my 60th birthday but never did.... 

Sometimes it is hard for me to believe that in this day and age they can't come up with something to help this pain!!! How do we want to live our lives??? I am so tired of putting on the "I'm doing just fine"  face ....  truly after awhile no-one wants to hear about your problems anyway. So that's another good reason to be on this list.... you can vent, cry whatever.... at least we understand... 

Well, Frank, let me know when your birthday is.... I'll buy you a drink :) What's your favorite poison???  I do hope the lidocain infusions work for you...  let us know!! Sorry if I sound like the "twenty questions' lady... I know you have been on this list a long time and so I was just wondering about your TM life, etc...



To:  Trudy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
Subject:  Re: RE: RE: [TMIC] lidocain infusions
Date:  Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:45:02 -0500
> > May I ask how do you function? Are you able to get around at all??? Did all
> > this begin with TM???
>this all began with TM- C5 right spinal cord 6 mm lesion.  It came on slowly over a week. Went to my PCP (primary doctor), he had no idea, as did the neuro who sent me for MRIs. MRI showed lesion and normal brain.
>My weakness and pain slowed me down.  I kept eating.  Prednisone helped my abdominal fat to start growing.  slowly over the years my weight increased causing hypertension, hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance and obesity.
>my pain increased. I finally got to Dr. Kerr, put on meds to decrease pain, lower my lipids.  Wound up at the pain center at Montreal General Hosp. where I was put on SATIVEX a cannabinoid under tongue spray.
>I function poorly, but I betcha their are many on the list who would trade with me.
>Take care

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