I am talking about SSDI as in disability.  

I already have Disability Insurance from my work.  The Insurance company has a 
set of lawyers to push to get SSDI and also to push SSDI through because the 
Insurance company will get all monies from the back pay of SSDI.  From the  
point where SSDI starts paying regularl, the Insurance co. will only pay the 
difference between the policy amount and what I get from SSDI.

It has been almost 3 months since I first started the process along with the 
lawyers.  I was surprised to see the money deposited because it has only been 
10 days since I sent in the 2nd set of questions.

Candis Kalley
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

----- Original Message ----- 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 5/18/2007 4:17:57 AM 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] SSDI

Are you talking about SS (as in retirement) or SSDI (as in for disability)?  If 
it's SSDI, they only pay monthly, after the 5th month of being disabled, but 
you don't qualify until they're satisfied that you're disabled for one year or 
that the disability is permanent.  However, they will start paying your regular 
SS payment while you're waiting to be deemed 'qualified'.
I ask b/c I'm trying to understand in terms of where I am in my applications - 
and wondering if I've missed something.

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