Yes, SSDI is Social Security Disability.  Your company's disability  carrier 
already has the information that you have received compensation from  them, so 
be prepared for their demand for the return of most of that  money.  Also, 
any disability money that you receive from Social Security,  whether it is 
Disability or Retirement benefits will be taxable.  The  amount will depend 
your total earnings for the year.
That is including any money that you have to return to the company's  
disability carrier as well as what you are entitled to keep.  All is  taxable, 
so be 
prepared.  You would be wise to contact a tax person to ask  is you need to 
save some aside for that purpose.
I really got hit in a big way, as my SSDI check came in December, so I owed  
taxes on it for that calendar year.  I had to pay taxes on $14,000.00 and  got 
to keep $750.00 of it.  I owed more taxes on the money than I got to  keep.  
That sure wasn't any fun.
Good luck to you and I hope that it all works out better for  you.

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