I really dont know how some people can be so cruel!  Guess they just wanted 
you to pay some money for the parking space. Thank God I have a driveway. 

Up Late in Tennessee
> From: Kevin Wolfthal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2007/05/18 Fri PM 05:41:49 CDT
> To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Dear Friends,
> I don't think I can describe to you properly, just how evil and filthy
> the board of the condominium I live in is.  Even the worst Anglo-Saxon
> words could not describe how I feel about the garbage (meaning board 
> members) that I have to
> deal with daily.
> Two days ago, a doorman called and said the police had put a sticker
> on my car and were going to tow my car.  I assumed this was because
> I had neglected to put the new registration sticker on my car, which I
> have, but I have not been out of my apartment in months.  My Mother,
> who is also not well, got a neighbor to go with her, and went downstairs,
> and put the registration on my car.  (on a side note, the stickers now go
> on the inside of the windshield instead of on the license plate because
> of theft of license plates).
> I thought this had taken care of the problem, but I was wrong.  Yesterday
> a board member came up and said the police would tow my car unless
> I moved it.  We have lived here almost 10 years, and my car has been
> parked in various spots for months at a time, and it's never been a problem
> before.  I called the police department and they said that a car can not be
> parked in the same spot on the street for more than 24 hours.  I said I
> am disabled and can't go out everyday to move my car.  They said that
> doesn't matter.  I said you mean to tell me that if I move my car back
> one space, that's what it takes?  She said:  "make it 2 spaces to be safe".
> They also said that they usually don't enforce the law unless someone
> makes a complaint, but she said it is possible that a passing policeman
> just saw my car there for a long time.  B***S***!
> I next called the President of the Fair Housing Association, who said
> that this is a law, HOWEVER, Condominium Laws state that my
> DISABLED TENANTS!  I never knew that before.  He said I should
> write a letter to my board and tell them that they have to provide me
> a space.  I said I don't have time for that.  So I called a board member
> and told him the law.  He started to say there were no off-street
> spaces left.  When I said I would pay for a space, he said:  "that's
> what I wanted to hear".  So now my car is parked in back of my building,
> a block away. Too far for me to walk to.  The man that came out to
> jumpstart my car moved it there for me.  Coincidentally, I put my
> new Hugo X5 Rolling Walker together yesterday.  But even that will
> not get me too my car where it is parked now.  It would have gotten me
> to my car when it was parked on the street however.  This building does
> not have proper handicapped access, and the board is still breaking
> the law by not allowing the doormen to help people in and out of
> the building.  I'm going to take care of that soon...
> I today found out that I may be able to get permission from the
> MVD to park on the street in the same spot for as long as I want.
> I just want to live in peace, but there are those who don't let you
> live in peace.  But what goes around comes around.  When
> we moved in here, the (then) President of the board used to make
> fun of the way I walked to my face.  A few years later he fell
> and broke his hip and died from complications.  Treat others
> as you wish to be treated..
> Kevin

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