While on the suject of parking! I am currently in a war with the State of Texas no less. As a licensed investment advisor in the State of Texas I have a need to visit the Texas State Securities Board in downtown Austin from time to time. They have no handicapped parking. They do however have parking for all of their employees in the basement of the building. When I complained I was told they were not required to provide handicapped parking because they did not provide parking for anyone except of course the state employees. I tried to explain how dangerous it is to unload on the street from your car to a wheel chair but that did not matter. The streets around the building are all six lanes one ways on hills with lots of traffic. I wrote several letters to the governor to no avail. Didn't even get a response from him or his so called disability committee. I contacted the Department of Justice and they confirmed that the State did not have to provide parking for me since they did not provide parking for anyone else. I am concsidering sueing the State of Texas over this. The absurdity of this is that the Texas Securities Board Building is handicap accessible once you get there. The problem is I can't there with out risking my life in the street. My temporary solution is for my wife to park in a delivery parking space just for state employees visiting the building under one side of the building. I unload there then she parks the car on the street. When the security guard for the building complains about it I just tell him to go hell and to have me arrested. He knows me well. He puts his hand in my face and tries to talk to my wife. So far this has worked. What an insult this to people who need handicapped parking................Cody in Austin

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