> I can't transfer into it from my manual chair(!!!)

Do you have a slide board, Akua?

yes I do. I use it to transfer from my bed to my chair.
The method you describe is more precarious than direct transfer, as the "bridge"
has no back and has me more time in the air, in an unstable place....
when i had a PT we went through all the iterations.
This is not something I can do alone and as I am alone, it is not something I can do.--- until
or unless I could walk....

Are you paralyzed?

A slide board is a strong piece of birch plywood measuring 8 x 24 inches, tapered at each end and very smooth and polished. You lift one thigh and slide the board under you as far as possible. When you lean on it, the far end should rest on the other chair. You then pull yourself over this bridge to the other chair.





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