Hi Trudi,

I have been cathing since June of 2004.  I would really love to not have to 
cath adn go to the bathroom like a normal person.  I am on 2 bladder meds.  
detral la and ditrapan.  Is Enablex a new med that can help with not having to 
cath?  I don't really have accidents much.  But have to rush to the bathroom 
when my bladder is full.   I am always afraid I won't make it on time.  My 
family wonders why I don't want to go to very many places but I am always 
wondering do they have a bathroom close by and is it clean?  What a life!

Lynn ( in Rhode Island, muggy and warm)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Trudy 
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 3:46 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Doctors!


  I just went to a urologist because I could not control my bladder! It was 
awful and wearing diapers ARGH!!

  I suggest you find a good urologist and have him check you out. There's 
definitely some new "ideas" out there and hopefully, I pray one of them will 
help you out. 

  I cathed for about 5 - 6 months. That was in 2002. But I should have gone to 
a urologist years ago but I was just so sick and tired of doctors I just wasn't 
up for one more visit. I regret waiting this long. He has put me on a drug 
called Enablex and it has worked awesome for me. no more Depends.. 


  Northern Virginia


  Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:42 AM
  To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: [TMIC] Doctors!

  I went to my Internist the other day for a non TM related issue.  Since I had 
him cornered I asked him some questions about my TM. He has been seeing me for 
years and has been involved since my TM.

  I asked him about my urine retention problem. ( I have been cathing 4 times a 
day since my TM, Oct. 2006). He told me that usually someone who has been 
cathing for over 6 months usually does not get back to normal.

  Is this true?  All that I have read and my visit to Johns Hopkins says two 
years is the target. Am I destined to cath now for the rest of my life? Should 
he have said that without knowing for sure?

  I try to think positively but when you doctor of many years tells you that 
your bladder will probably not come back it is difficult to keep a positive 

  Thanks for letting me vent.

  Marlton, NJ

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