I have been on Enablex for about 2 months and it is working very well for
me. My urologist is very good and so I asked him about side effects (I don't
read the long list of side effects anymore on any medication. I wouldn't be
on anything at this point. Lyrica has quite a few side effects.) I do need
to eat more prunes which is what he said. I definitely have much more
control ( tho I've had an accident or two but that was my fault, I just
waited too long).  Everyone reacts so differently to meds. 

Good luck




From: Regina Rummel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 5:10 PM
To: Trudy
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Doctors!



I just looked up the site for Enablex.  I printed the voucher they offer for
a free trial (with Dr.'s signature of course).  I will discuss it at my next
Doctor's appointment as I am sick and tired of this bladder problem.  I
don't like the list of side effects though; did you notice anything?  And
how long have you been taking it?

I was taking Terazosin but it didn't help, probably because it was for only
1 mg.  

Has anyone in the group tried Terazosin, and did it help?


Trudy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I just went to a urologist because I could not control my bladder! It was
awful and wearing diapers ARGH!!

I suggest you find a good urologist and have him check you out. There's
definitely some new "ideas" out there and hopefully, I pray one of them will
help you out. 

I cathed for about 5 - 6 months. That was in 2002. But I should have gone to
a urologist years ago but I was just so sick and tired of doctors I just
wasn't up for one more visit. I regret waiting this long. He has put me on a
drug called Enablex and it has worked awesome for me. no more Depends.. 


Northern Virginia



Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 9:42 AM
To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Doctors!


I went to my Internist the other day for a non TM related issue.  Since I
had him cornered I asked him some questions about my TM. He has been seeing
me for years and has been involved since my TM.

I asked him about my urine retention problem. ( I have been cathing 4 times
a day since my TM, Oct. 2006). He told me that usually someone who has been
cathing for over 6 months usually does not get back to normal.

Is this true?  All that I have read and my visit to Johns Hopkins says two
years is the target. Am I destined to cath now for the rest of my life?
Should he have said that without knowing for sure?

I try to think positively but when you doctor of many years tells you that
your bladder will probably not come back it is difficult to keep a positive

Thanks for letting me vent.

Marlton, NJ

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