Hi Rob,
I just turned 50 last month and then had my 12th TM  anniversary Sept. 1. For 
several years I have not looked forward to Sept. 1, but  then I'd forget 
about it (one of the benefits of being "middle-aged" :-) ) and  remember a few 
days later that I've passed another milestone with TM. I'm kind  of glad it 
happens that way for me.
There was a time when I could not accept not being healed from  TM. I think 
I've pretty much come to a place of acceptance now, with the Lord's  help. But, 
as you say, there are good days and bad days.
Hope things look up for you soon.
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com/_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/) 
In a message dated 9/21/2007 1:24:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Yesterday was my 60th birthday….in 6 days it  will be my 10 year aniversary 
of having TM. I am feeling somewhat sad and  melancholy. I normally accept my 
condition and give thanks that it is not as  bad as many on the list. However 
looking back I can no longer remember what it  felt like to be "normal". For 
people who do not have an affliction like ours  it is so difficult to explain. 
This was the first time I was ever sick where I  could not expect to be "all 
better". Therefore instead of celebrating a  birthday milestone, I spent much 
the day feeling sorry for myself. Knowing  my personality I am quite sure 
this feeling will soon be over and I will go  back to being upbeat. But….10 
.and not one waking minute where I felt  good. Some days are better than 
others….but no day is without discomfort or  worse. I have found our condition 
almost impossible to explain to a healthy  person…I cannot even come to terms 
with TM at my own level. 
I  understand strides are being made to help us…but I truly doubt it is going 
to  help the old timers. I am grateful that the younger TM'rs will benefit. I 
have  not given up hope and will continue to battle this condition for as 
long as I  live. I will regain my positive attitude and be grateful for all of 
the  wonderful things in my life. I just needed to vent to the people who 
Rob in New Jersey 


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