I would like to thank so many TM'rs who responded to me. After
wallowing in self pity and being frustrated by everyone (including my
wife) these past few days it is now time to move on. I must accept that
no one except the TM family will truly understand what we go through
24/7 365 days per year, which is why this list is so important to me.
        I will now go back to having a positive attitude. I was sick
last week (bronchitus) and fell a little behind at work. It is now time
to start living to the best my body will allow.
        I have 2 wonderful children and two wonderful grandchildren. It
is amazing how much better I feel when I am with them! And to make
matters even better I went to Yankee Stadium yesterday and saw the best
baseball team in the world win!
        All of you who replied to me helped take me out of my funk! I
once again realize that self pity helps no one!

Thank you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rob in New Jersey

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