Hi ya Grace,
  I know what you mean.  Maybe you could say Yes and let them see for 
themselves how hard it really is for you to get around.  LOL
  That is what I did to show my friends what it was like.  I found out who 
where my REAL friends and who was NOT.
  I do understand that not everyone can do this.
  Hope EVERYONE has more energy today,
  Todd in CC, TX - Who is feeling much better today.

"Grace M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      Hiya Kevin,   
  Boy, I  sure can relate to the family thing, and friends slowly disappearing. 
 My oldest child, (33 yrs old) a son, has never seen me during my flat on my 
back, paralyzed and blind episodes, but has only seen me afterwards.  He seems 
to think that as long as I can stand up, and speak, and get around a bit, that 
all is well.  My ex husband has tried to talk to him to get him more or less 
prepared for the worst, but it falls on deaf ears.  Jay (My ex) think that the 
kids are just in denial about the whole thing---not my oldest daughter, but my 
oldest and youngest. (17) 
  The friends thing is a bit different for me.  I have too many well meaning 
friends that want to drag me here and there, want to see me get out more, and 
do more---but Kevin, I can't.  You know how the fatigue can be, and for me 
using Rituxan infusions now, it's even more so---so, whenever I decline an 
invitation (And that's fairly often.) they start buzzing about me being 
*depressed*.   Kevin, I'm not depressed----just incredibly tired the majority 
of the time.  Seems like I'm dam*ed if i do, and dam*ed if I don't. 


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