Gerry!  I was just getting ready to ask if anyone had heard from you!  You
have really gone thru some rough times and now they are going to remove your
spleen?  Your advise is good...thank you!  You are in my prayers..Jeanne in
Dayton, WA 
-------Original Message-------
From: Gerry Surette
Date: 3/24/2008 10:15:02 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] So strange
I know exactly how you feel. I 've had tm since the age 0f 21 have been able
to function until 2001 when I had a relapse. I too am 60 years young. My
plete count has gone way down a side effect of TM after numerous  treatments
i now have itp. I have gone through three treatments of immunoglobiulin
which have not worked. Now I have another treatment to go through to raise
my plete count at which time they will remove my speen. I urge everyone to
have there white blood cells plete count examined on a regular bases. Life
with TM is always a daily challenge. like they say it is like a box of
choclate you never know what will happen day to day. yes you have to have a
positive attidude. It is your life and you only have control of it. It is up
to you to decide if you will fight it or let it get to you. for me I would
rather fight . It is hard but life is worth it
>From: "Robert Pall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Subject: [TMIC] So strange
>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:56:52 -0400
>        Just a fast topic for discussion. In my case TM is like a box of
> never know what you are going to get!
>        It seems to me that how I feel from day to day is never the same!
>Some days are just terrible and some days are not so bad. I cannot point
>to the weather because that does not always have an effect on me. I do
>know if I get sick, even with a cold, my symptoms are always worse.
>Today is a beautiful day in sunny New Jersey and yet I feel
>       For me the biggest problem is the "banding" on my right leg just
>above the knee. When it gets very bad (like today) it makes walking much
>more difficult and I walk with an even stiffer leg than usual. Is it
>possible that as our spine regenerates (even though it is a very long
>process...decades) we still experience changes all the time, because the
>feelings are somewhat different, and for TM'rs change is never good. It
>seems that when I start to get used to the feelings I have, and try to
>accept them, they suddenly change.
>      I try to live with TM as best as I can. I try to keep a positive
>attitude and give thanks that I am able to work, walk and drive which so
>many of my fellow TM'rs cannot do....but some days are harder than
>     Last week I heard from one of our group who after 11 years had a
>relapse. For me this is truly scary. I don't know what I would do if
>this happened to me. I have had TM for more than 10 years and I am now
>60, which means that on top of TM I am starting to experience the
>problems that come with aging such as arthritis. Sometimes I feel that
>the only place we can go is down!
>     Sorry for the depressing attitude...I just need to talk to the group
>when I feel this way and then forget about it, get back my positive
>attitude, and move on.
>     Thank you for letting me vent!
>Rob in New Jersey

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