Me, too, by gum!!!  BUT, it is okay to have those days where we need to curl
up in bed, rest our body and soul and then get up and start all over again!
-------Original Message-------
From: Robert Pall
Date: 3/24/2008 1:40:04 PM
To: jrushton;  Gerry Surette;
Subject: RE: [TMIC] It's okay...
    What a wonderful e mail. You are so right in your thinking! I truly
believe that only someone who has TM can appreciate what we are going thru.
I have often said to my wife that I wish she could have my TM for just 5
minutes. Then perhaps she could or would understand the horror of having a
condition which no matter how hard we try never really gets better.....and
is with us 24/7 always. For me that means that nearly the past 4000 days
have been without relief! Yet I still try to maintain a positive attitude...
we either continue living or chose to start dying! I choose life!
Rob in New Jersey

From: jrushton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:14 PM
To: Gerry Surette;
Subject: [TMIC] It's okay...

You can be as emotional as you want, any time you want!!  I think most of us
try to be 'up' and 'positive' as often as we can but there comes a time when
our old bodies just plain get bone tired and then it's time to take the time
for ourselves to rest, both physically and emotionally.
When I first came down with TM, I decided I was going to be old Mary Poppins
and choose the positive over the negative which is the way I've always liked
to live my life as often as I could...the 'cup is half full' not 'half empty
, and laugh so I don't cry?  Well, that can still work a good part of the
time but by gosh, you just can't always make it!  AND it's okay!!!
Not too long ago I decided I was taking way too much Lyrica (approved by my
provider) because I didn't like the side effects.  Well, the first week was
one of the worst and there were definite withdrawals both horribly painful
and emotional.  One day I was on the front porch swing just sobbing from my
toes and who shows up but one of my daughters right out of the blue.  (God's
doing, for sure) and I just couldn't stop crying.  It scared her to death
because both my girls don't see me cry very often.  I usually laugh just to
hear myself laugh (true!).  Well, this was a cleansing of the soul and a
good way to get some of that 'stuff' out of my body, I would swear.  After
that, I felt better, got lots of good hugs from my daughter and Jack and I
was back on my way.  Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves.  God wants us to
be good to ourselves so we can also be good to others.
-------Original Message-------
From: Gerry Surette
Date: 3/24/2008 11:58:01 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] So strange
many thanks; The procedure itself is not painful; the bone marrow retival
for biopsy is uncomfortable. the side effects though of three days for five
hours each day is to say the least" NEVER AGAIN" I had a high fever chills
etc; on top of my leg and feet spasms. It was certainly a memerable week
Thank God jesus was by my side as well as my wife who when I had my spams I
tend to hypervenilate; the pain is so great. She is there to calm me down
and help me breathe normally until my spasm ends. You all know what these
are. it is T<M<: life is never preditable. you have to roll with the
punches. You just have to be thankful that the day you have no pain is a
blessing. You have to make the best of it. Sorry if I am being emotional but
the is the way I feel I have to take each day as it comes and be thankful
for any blessing I receive. gerry
>From: "jrushton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Gerry Surette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <>
>Subject: RE: [TMIC] So strange
>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:04:10 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
>Gerry!  I was just getting ready to ask if anyone had heard from you!  You
>have really gone thru some rough times and now they are going to remove
>spleen?  Your advise is good...thank you!  You are in my prayers..Jeanne in
>Dayton, WA
>-------Original Message-------
>From: Gerry Surette
>Date: 3/24/2008 10:15:02 AM
>Subject: RE: [TMIC] So strange
>I know exactly how you feel. I 've had tm since the age 0f 21 have been
>to function until 2001 when I had a relapse. I too am 60 years young. My
>plete count has gone way down a side effect of TM after numerous
>i now have itp. I have gone through three treatments of immunoglobiulin
>which have not worked. Now I have another treatment to go through to raise
>my plete count at which time they will remove my speen. I urge everyone to
>have there white blood cells plete count examined on a regular bases. Life
>with TM is always a daily challenge. like they say it is like a box of
>choclate you never know what will happen day to day. yes you have to have a
>positive attidude. It is your life and you only have control of it. It is
>to you to decide if you will fight it or let it get to you. for me I would
>rather fight . It is hard but life is worth it
> >From: "Robert Pall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: <>
> >Subject: [TMIC] So strange
> >Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:56:52 -0400
> >
> >        Just a fast topic for discussion. In my case TM is like a box of
> > never know what you are going to get!
> >        It seems to me that how I feel from day to day is never the same!
> >Some days are just terrible and some days are not so bad. I cannot point
> >to the weather because that does not always have an effect on me. I do
> >know if I get sick, even with a cold, my symptoms are always worse.
> >Today is a beautiful day in sunny New Jersey and yet I feel
> >terrible...why?
> >       For me the biggest problem is the "banding" on my right leg just
> >above the knee. When it gets very bad (like today) it makes walking much
> >more difficult and I walk with an even stiffer leg than usual. Is it
> >possible that as our spine regenerates (even though it is a very long
> >process...decades) we still experience changes all the time, because the
> >feelings are somewhat different, and for TM'rs change is never good. It
> >seems that when I start to get used to the feelings I have, and try to
> >accept them, they suddenly change.
> >      I try to live with TM as best as I can. I try to keep a positive
> >attitude and give thanks that I am able to work, walk and drive which so
> >many of my fellow TM'rs cannot do....but some days are harder than
> >others!
> >     Last week I heard from one of our group who after 11 years had a
> >relapse. For me this is truly scary. I don't know what I would do if
> >this happened to me. I have had TM for more than 10 years and I am now
> >60, which means that on top of TM I am starting to experience the
> >problems that come with aging such as arthritis. Sometimes I feel that
> >the only place we can go is down!
> >     Sorry for the depressing attitude...I just need to talk to the group
> >when I feel this way and then forget about it, get back my positive
> >attitude, and move on.
> >     Thank you for letting me vent!
> >
> >Rob in New Jersey


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