In 2000 I was diagnosed with cancer, was teaching special needs kids, had 3 
teenagers and watched my mom die of lung cancer while I was battling breast 
cancer.  I am absolutely convinced this is why I fell apart with TM less than 
one year later. Stress!

has passed but....this is for Every1 on the TMA listDate: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 
17:08:31 -0400

Hi,I was going through a terrible divorce and raising 3 young children.  I also 
had pneumonia in Nov and the flu in January.  I got TM on Jan. 3, 1991.  My 
neuro was so good.  He diagnosed me before any testing was done.  He told me at 
the time that this could have been a virus that had been lying dormant in my 
body for years and the stress activated it.I have always wondered if this virus 
is somehow related to the polio virus.  I was exposed in the 50's when my 
cousin got polio and a good friend of mine also.  I remember their symptoms at 
the time and thinking back on it, it was a lot like TM.  Could it be something 
in the polio vaccine that everyone gets? Patty

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:28:23 -0400From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: [TMIC] time has passed but....this is for Every1 on the TMA 

I was getting over a case of very mild pneumonia whenever I got hit with NMO.  
I hadn't even missed work because of it.  Had been taking antibiotics and 
feeling a bit poopy and tired, but no other symptoms to speak of.

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