I, for one, am SO glad to be reading every single one of these stories!  I'm
pretty new at TM (5/2005) and am trying to learn every thing I can.  I
really don't mind hearing the stories repeated because this is just the type
of thing that will help us know we ARE NOT ALONE!!  I've seen new names
appear lately and heard stories and events about TM I would not have heard
otherwise. I was all by myself doing the PT/OT and had the hardest time
trying to explain what had happened and how the numbness, pain, spasms,
heaviness, weird feelings, sensation on the skin on one leg with none at all
on the other, trying to explain how I couldn't even feel when I sat on a
chair and often would just slide off (still do!!!!)....all of these things,
I now can talk to you all about and be blessed that someone out there truly

I have said since the onset of TM, part of me lives with all of the pain and
weakness and the knowledge that I probably will not get much better.  

BUT!  I want the world to know that I will NEVER give up hoping for a cure
and that maybe someone who is a whole lot wiser than I will learn from all
of us and what we say on this site.

Part of me as a nurse looks on in wonder and curiosity and so when everyone
sends their own stories, I am so thankful.  So is the Internest that I
worked with pre and post -TM who I just happened to see today, who gave me a
great big bear hug and said, "Yes, (by golly), I still want to work with you
to set up a series of questions (for others with TM) so we can become more
knowledgeable on why it occurs."  We started talking about doing this way
before I ever found you all, my wonderful new friends!  

Now, for my story!!  I, too, had flu-like symptoms for several weeks PLUS a
persistent burning itch on my left shoulder that I had been bothered with
also for several weeks (no marks at all).  We (nurses like to diagnose) felt
it might be shingles, although I had never been bothered with it before. 
Once a person has Chicken Pox, the varicella virus stays in your system
forever and a person can suffer from shingles from that same virus.  One of
the theories of TM is that it is related to that virus. (This can be backed
up by reading it in the Merck Manual).  Our body just goes to war against
whatever is fighting inside itself.  With TM, evidently it happens to be our
spinal cord.

The first neurologist that worked with me said it all.  He said no one
really knows and not enough people are stricken with TM and that is why
there just aren't many studies being done.   

Well, I've yacked enough for awhile...

Thank you all for all of the time you've taken to share with us newcomers!!!
  I sure do appreciate it! Jack and I are planning on going to the Seattle
Symposium if we can afford the cost of the hotel room!!!  We might pitch a
tent in the parking lot!

Jeanne in Dayton, WA

-------Original Message-------
From: sal r
Date: 3/25/2008 9:04:48 PM
To: wim from holland;  Robert Pall;  tm
i undertstand there is probably tons of research and foums out there but im
pretty sure that people would like to share their own stories and we can
compare between ourselves and conduct our own research...SaL

wim from holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
If you look in to the archives, probenly you will find a lot of people that
think, or almost know for sure, that stress is related to sicknesses by
lowering the immune system. This discussion has been done for several times,
also blurry vision, cold feet, painfull knees and ancles, sensitivity, no
sex , marijuana and more.
Follow this group now for over more than 10 years.
Wim from Holland

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 17:27:47 -0400
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com

OK…Is this list good or not! So far having approx. 10 responses….9 out of 10
state that they had a minor sickness but they were going thru a very
stressful time in there lives. I am totally convinced that stress lowered my
immume system to the point that TM  occurred. I find it unbelievable how
many on the list agree! I believe in order to find a cure you must first
find the cause….perhaps we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rob in New Jersey 

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