Hi it's Jude, Michigan...

No, never, not once, for the questionaire.  I owe you for the lovely note from 
Dayton...thank you, it was sweet.

Sick as the proverbial (bark, bark, howl, whimper...) dog,
Jude, Flushing, Michigan...perfect name, eh?

One additional, huge violin shaped pressure sore for the record, and the 
everblooming UTI, for the road.

Lots and lots of anti-biotics, prescribed for weeks and weeks and weeks 
(haven't been home since the middle of December) as they turned into months...

I ask myself daily "now, what is going to happen in the days to come?"  Not 
much worth wallowing about this late in the game.  The doc's say that I have 
lost a "significant amount of weight" and are forcing me to drink 
"vanilla shakes" that come packaged like small cartons of milk,like we used to 
drink in grade-school.

Here's to you, you, and all of you...

----- Original Message ----
From: sal r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jan Hargrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; jrushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; tmic-list 
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 4:48:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Questions

Oh yeah.... you can not get shingles if youve never had the chickenpox...

Jan Hargrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
1)   Light case as a child.
2)  Yes, soon after i had tm......within 6 months. Didn't suffer because I was 
still numb.
3)  No
jrushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, everyone (again!)
I have three questions for those who would be willing to respond:
1)  Did you ever have chicken pox?
2)  Did you ever suffer from shingles?
3)  Did you have a flare-up of shingles prior to your being stricken with TM?
These are a few of the theories with TM and I'm just curious to see if any of 
'us' have experienced any or all of these.
Jeanne in Dayton

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