Dear Jim
Without your bravery and your indulgence to persevere, I wonder where the rest 
of us would be.  Thank you for ALL that you have given so unselfishly.

With Much Gratefulness,
Carol in Culver, IN

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 5:15 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] 19 year TM Anniversary

  On May 17, 1989, I became paralyzed from the neck down and dependent on a 
ventilator to breathe due to Transverse Myelitis. I was 21.

  I woke up with a pain in my shoulder. Went to work and about 30 mins later 
the pain got very intense. I suddenly could not stand then stopped breathing. I 
later found out that my heart stopped and it took awhile for them to stabilize 
me to even transport me to the hospital a few blocks away. The doctors had no 
idea what had happened to me. initial thought were possibly a stroke, lyme 
disease, or Guillain-Barre Syndrome. I was in and out during that time, could 
not talk, only remember bits. After about 2 weeks I had a MRI and was given the 
diagnoses of Acute Transverse Myelitis.

  I was in ICU until July 31 then transfered to rehab. In rehab I was treated 
as a person with a spinal cord injury. I had physical therapy which consisted 
of giving me range of motion and practice driving my sip and puff operated 
wheelchair. In speech therapy and occupational therapy I learned morse code to 
access the computer. I practiced typing and played tetris and chess. In 
October, I was able to leave the hospital for the first time and went to see 
the Batman movie. I started going to movies about once a week. The nurses 
always tried to get the other patients to go out when I went because I was the 
only vent dependent high level quadriplegic and enjoyed going out. Others were 
paraplegics, having problems dealing with their condition. I was in rehab until 
January 31st.

  I've been paralyzed most of my life. Wow how time flies.

  Jim Lubin               
  disAbility Resources:

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