Just a great job Jim. Thanks for everything....Cody in Austin, Texas
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 6:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] 19 year TM Anniversary

    At 10:02 AM 5/18/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
    As most others, when I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis, I had not 
heard of it .  If it weren't for this access to others with TM I would surely 
feel like the "Lone Ranger" in a negative way.  

  When I came home from the hospital in 1990 and got back online, I searched 
all the online services I was on (GEnie, Compuserve, Delphi) for any 
information on Transverse Myelitis. I didn't find anything. When I first got 
Internet access in 1991 using a friends university account, I found a few 
message from people asking questions about it. I later got on Prodigy and AOL. 
In 1994 I put together my "disAbility Resources and Information" web site 
gathering whatever information I came across. 

  I started emailing one person with TM. He thought it would be neat to have a 
"Transverse Myelitis Internet Club" so we could communicate with others. When 
my internet service (eskimo.com) made email list group an option I started one 
for quadriplegic and one for vent-users. I started the tmic-list a few months 
later and sent a message to the 10 or so people I had come across who had 
mentioned or asked about transverse myelitis. That's how this list started.

  In 1997 I offered to make a web site for the Transverse Myelitis Association. 
We still didn't have much information at that time but at least we had a way 
people could find us.

  In 1998 I was picked by New Mobility magazine to be their "Person of the 
Year". That was mostly because of the emails they received from people on the 

    You are an inspiration and a rebuke to me, one of the "walking wounded" who 
still tends to complain of the fatigue, banding, etc. when I have not have the 
misfortune of paralysis.  You no doubt have had to work hard to function as you 

  Actually, I have not had to work at all. The only things I can do for myself 
is operate my wheelchair and my computer. Before I'm put into my wheelchair, 
I'm just lying in bed. I can't even turn my head, so there is nothing I can 
work at. Once my mom or nurse put me in my wheelchair I sit in front of my 
computer all day. 

  Jim Lubin               
  Home Page: http://makoa.org/jim 
  disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org

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