Oh Patti,
Thanks so much for going to visit with Jude.  You are so kind to do it and for 
those of us that are so far away it makes us feel good to know that someone is 
checking in on her locally.  Well love and thank you from the bottom of our 

----- Original Message ----
To: tmic-list-at-eskimo.com <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, August 8, 2008 7:17:49 PM
Subject: [TMIC] My visit with Jude

Hi to all,
I was able to visit Jude this afternoon and she said to tell everyone hi and to 
thank you for your on-going prayers.  She said she would not have made it this 
far without them.  
It was a easier visiting with her this time, because she is off the ventilator 
and was able to talk.  However,  I didn't ask her anything about her illness or 
how she feels or what her future prognosis is.  We just talked - stuff.
Jude said she didn't realize how sick she had become at home and thought she 
had been feeling bad due to the UTI.  She said she is expecting this hospital 
stay to be another lengthy one.  
Pam and Ella have been keeping us up-to-date on her physical condition so I 
thought I'd update everyone on her mental condition.  She's strong.  A fighter 
and an encourager.  She loves this group and wants you to know it.

Blessings to all
Patti - Michigan


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