Jan, you couldn't have said it better!  I am so thankful so many prayers are
being said for Jude.  She has gone through so much and we pray and care for
her like she is our own...  Maybe that is what this is?  Before we found
TMIC, we felt like we were all alone and now we lean on, care for, pray for,
and reach for each other.  We are so blessed.

Jeanne in Dayton 
-------Original Message-------
From: Jan Hargrove
Date: 8/9/2008 10:41:56 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];  tmic-list
Subject: Re: [TMIC] My visit with Jude
Thanks for being our emissary. How lucky Jude and we are that you're near
to visit and then report to us!
Isn't it amazing how this awful condition has made us new friends we
would not have known, our tm family.....so to speak!
Again, thanks for being Jude's friend, and ours too.
janh  Oklahoma

Hi to all,
I was able to visit Jude this afternoon and she said to tell everyone hi and
to thank you for your on-going prayers. She said she would not have made it
this far without them. 
It was a easier visiting with her this time, because she is off the
ventilator and was able to talk. However, I didn't ask her anything about
her illness or how she feels or what her future prognosis is. We just talked
- stuff.
Jude said she didn't realize how sick she had become at home and thought she
had been feeling bad due to the UTI. She said she is expecting this hospital
stay to be another lengthy one. 
Pam and Ella have been keeping us up-to-date on her physical condition so I
thought I'd update everyone on her mental condition. She's strong. A fighter
and an encourager. She loves this group and wants you to know it.

Blessings to all
Patti - Michigan



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