Dave said he had to check on the Mrsa and the antiabotic as he was leaving the 
room so I'm sure he will have it covered. She had a port before and I don't 
know if it had been removed or not.  I think they would wait 30 days before 
removing it so she should still have it.  
---- Catherine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Patti,
>   I too am amazed at our hospitals and medical systems in this country!  Our 
> leaders should be shamed.  
>   Was Jude sent home with MRSA and no antibiotic?  I hope I misunderstood 
> something along the way.
>   Thank you
>   Catherine
>   Hi All
> I visited Jude, however, she slept most of the time. Jude was being over 
> sedated from her pain patch so her doctor lowered the dose - he lowered it by 
> half. Jude was awake when I arrived and her husband was there so I had the 
> opportunity to talk with him too. Dave explained that I was lucky to find her 
> awake. Her nurse said she had been falling asleep in mid-sentence. 
> I sure don't understand how our hospital and medical system works - Jude is 
> to be released from the hospital - today. Her doctor visited her, changed the 
> rx for the pain patch and said he would write up her discharge. Dave left so 
> he could get some groceries and get ready for her return home. I'm stumped. 
> Dave said the last time this happened Jude called and said I'm comming home 
> (always by ambulance) and they arrived home at 10:00 PM. Yes, P.M.. 
> Jude is expecting to talk with Pam tomorrow. Hopefully, Pam will have another 
> update.
> Patti - Michigan 
> Love Catherine     Life is short, Break the rules sometimes, Forgive quickly, 
> Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that 
> made you smile

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