Sandy and Jude, you both put into words what I was thinking  but couldn't 
figure out how to say. Thank you! Caregivers, spouses, significant  others, and 
friends all need to know that their pain and ailments are valid and  
sympathized with, whether or not it is greater or longer-lasting than ours. But 
both said it much more eloquently.
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com_ ( 
In a message dated 11/20/2008 1:08:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

First off, Jude suffers so much and what she wrote is so  selfLESS.   She is 
always thinking of someone else.   We  love you Jude!
As a caregiver I will put my 2 cents in.   I SO sympathize with  the daily 
pain that goes with TM.  I KNOW, but I don't FEEL the  pain.  I know it because 
Terry is so very articulate about it, and it  pains me emotionally to see such 
horrific pain.   I think all of you  that know me and how I react to him and 
With that said, this is what we need  occasionally:  Just need a little 
sympathy and for you to tell us that  you are sorry we are in pain.  We just 
need a 
little validation that  our pain still matters.  Pain is relevant to each 
individual.    We can't take that away.  UNLESS you live with a chronic 
complainer, of  course!  I try not to complain because my pain, (2 or 3 
partially  and 
2 complete herniated discs and rheumatoid arthritis), is minimal  relative to 
Terry's.  But it is MY pain and it does hurt at  times.   So, when those of us 
that complain minimally, give us a  minute, tell us your sorry for our pain, 
and wait for a little bit if you need  sympathy for your pain.  A few short, 
sweet words go a long way!  


In a message dated 11/20/2008 3:37:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Hello All,
Don't we remember how much it  hurts to stub one's toe?  I hurts like 
hell for a few  minutes.  And, no...on the scale of TM, a stubbed toe is 
nothing,  but for those few minutes it is something to the person it happens  
My husband is my only caretaker  as we have no other family to step in and 
give him a break.  I  require constant care and he gets debilitating migraine 
headaches.   When he is down, I must fend for myself until he is able to lend a 
hand.  So I go for a few hours without a meal, it hasn't killed me  yet.  I 
am willing to do what I have to do as long as it keeps me  out of the dreaded 
nursing home.
For those of us lucky enough to  have a caregiver spouse, as much as we 
suffer through every minute of  every day, we have to remember that our 
are people too and  their feelings don't just end when we become ill.  They 
hurt.   They get the flu, get headaches, stub their toes and they are entitled  
to bitch a little bit about it when they are under the  weather.
I'm not taking anything away  from the torment we with TM live with on a 
daily basis.  But, as  bad as we have it...there are others in worse shape who 
have diseases we  should be thankful not to have.  I have been in this bed for 
over a  year, but I feel fortunate that I am not as sick right now as I was 
 then when I was not expected to live.
As often as I have said, "I just  wish I were dead."  "I'd be better off 
dead."  Blah, blah,  blah...when truly faced with it, I realized that I do not 
want to  die...I want to live!  I want to live even with TM if that's how I  am 
meant to live.  Everything happens for a reason, for our own  growth, and for 
the honor of God.
I need to go to sleep now, and  pray that I will wake in the morning, not in 
the hospital, but here at  home, in my own little lumpy hospital bed.
I love each and every one of you  and am so very thankful for your friendship 
and support.  Without  you I would have not made it this far.  Without you 
and without  God, I would have taken my life a long time ago on one of those 
nights I  spent writhing in neverending pain and agony.
Thank you for helping me be  strong.  Thank you for helping me be 
have value as a  human being.  Thank you especially for the one person who has 
 called me every day for almost a year until they became ill  themselves.  My 
dear Scarlett...I owe you  everything...TIAD
Hugs to you  all,
I don't think we ought to  minimize our pain, but we have to allow our 
families and friends to  indulge themselves with a little bit of time to bitch 
their cares  and woes.  
I'm tired now, and am sure you  get the picture.  I've gone on now for some  
In a message dated 11/19/2008 10:00:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

My wife has been sick for around 5 days with a sore  throat/cough (she is 
getting better). Anyway she asks me last night if  I ever recall her feeling 
this long……what I should have answered  was "no"…which is true….but instead 
I answered "imagine how it feels  to be sick for more than 11 years"…her reply 
was "why does it always  have to be about you?"…I apologized and just 
answered her question  with a resounding NO! 
The point of this story is to show that even the people closest  to us really 
have no idea how TM effects our daily life. How even the  easiest things are 
now hard…and for the most part I (we) complain  rarely and just go about our 
day dealing with our condition to the  best of our ability. 
When we had the NJ TM support group on 11/2 I requested that  the TM'rs bring 
their spouses or parents..hoping hearing from others  would enlighten them in 
dealing with us. I would never wish TM on  anyone (well maybe Bin Laden) but 
if our friends and loved ones could  feel how we feel for just 5 minutes then 
they would be able to better  relate. This will not happen and that is why 
this list and support  groups are so important. We have a forum where we can 
discuss our TM  related problems to people who truly understand! 
Just my thought for the day!  
Rob in New Jersey  

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