Hello Janice!


I too had the hot/cold sensitivity you speak of.  I actually gave myself a
2nd degree burn without realizing.  The sense of hot and cold has returned
for me and did so after about a year.  What I find now is that I cannot
handle really hot showers and sometimes have issues with hot tubs.  The hot
water makes my skin tingle and makes me feel nauseous.


As to the "buzzing", I think I also know what you mean but many may call it
something else.  My Neuro told me that what I was feeling was my nerves
firing.  It made sense.  Mine diminished after a few years but my body still
tingles when I push things.  It's my body's way of letting me know that it
has had enough.


My concern is that I have lived with the symptoms of TM for coming up 8
years that I believe I have gotten used to all the things it throws at you.
I do not know what normal is anymore.  Maybe that is a good thing?  That way
I don't know what I am missing!





From: Janice [mailto:jan...@centurytel.net] 
Sent: March-21-09 3:15 PM
To: transverse myelitis
Subject: [TMIC] 


This is Janice - yet again with another question.   


It has been 2 years since the onset of TM.   From the top of my ribs to my
toes I can not tell water temperature on my skin.  I have to be very careful
with taking my showers.    Do any of you have that?   I am wondering if it
is something that will eventually go away or if it is something I will live


Also, one improvement I have just noticed lately is the constant "buzzing"
that I had in my legs as soon as feeling started coming back.   Did you all
have that and have any of you also lost it?


Thanks again, Janice

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