Yes for me the heat makes me weak and exhausted. Doesn't hit me instantly
though. It may take a couple of hours or more after I have been in the heat
before the exhaustion hits me. Usually the next day I will have a hard time
too. I had a very mild case of TM and have mostly recovered except for the
wicked flare ups of weakness and exhaustion that occur sometimes randomly
but almost always after I have been very busy for a day or two or have spent
too much time in the hot outdoors. This is one of the very few symptoms for
me that have persisted for years even though I am mostly *normal* otherwise.
Being too active and hot weather are my enemies.

The banding I had in the beginning of my TM and it was just a tight weird
feeling around my mid-section about where my bra would go around. I have
never felt any of the pain that so many of you experience with TM. For me
the banding was just weird and uncomfortable. It has been gone for a long
time and has never come back.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 9:47 PM, <> wrote:

>  1) yes heat is worse in the summer.... right now sittng my two fans and
> AC is on and still feel like sweating more than I should be
> 2) in the 4 years I have had TM bandinmg pain has never gotten better. I am
> lucky that it's ohly on the right side at my waist. I have to wear pants and
> shorts with elastic and they are pulled up above the banding pain area.
> somedays pain is unbearable some days just don't notice it....
> -------------- Original message from "Janice" <>:
> --------------
> This is Janice,
> I have 2 questions:
> 1. With hot weather coming, do any of you have a problem with all of a
> sudden being really hot?  I know some
> of you had a problem with the cold last winter, but does your body change
> in summer and you get hit with being hot instead
> of cold?    I really have a problem with heat - especially with humidity.
> I get hot, then weak.   Not good.
> 2.  Several of you have mentioned the tight "band" around your body.  I am
> not sure this band is in the same place for
> everyone.    Also, has there been any change in the band with those of you
> who have had TM for a long time?

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